
Give your cottage the support it needs.
When your house or cottage foundation fails, Cottage Rescue comes in to help.
We organize permits on your behalf, lift your building, replace the beams if necessary, install a new guaranteed screw-pile foundation system, and place your cottage back down, leaving you with a cottage and foundation you can rely on for generations.
How We Got Here
Over the course of a decade, Nick and Rob noticed two reoccurring problems. People had aging cottages that were starting to fail, and getting all the required trades to fix the problem was challenging.
Rob initially offered the Cottage Rescue service unofficially through his foundation company. As time passed, neighbours of previous customers began reaching out looking for the same service, and the demand became so great that Cottage Rescue was born. Nick, the visionary, took the reigns and made Cottage Rescue into a family-owned and trusted brand.
Meet The Team

Nick Clark

Rob Jackson

Brittany Clark
Office Manager
Fill out this form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Include important details like your address, photos of your structure, and any other information you might think is helpful.